Massarosa 2024 vincitori

15 June 2024, 21:32

14th Massarosa International Piano Competition
15 June 2024

First Prize: Alessandro Artese

Second Prize: Giulia Toniolo

Third Prize ex aequo: Anastasiya Torap and
Greta Maria Lobefaro


Massarosa 2024 – final

14 June 2024, 18:49

14th Massarosa International Piano Competition
15 June 2024

The jury has chosen the 4 finalists.
The final will take place on June 15  at 20:30 at Teatro Manzoni

The finalists are:

Giulia Toniolo

Prokofiev. Sonata n. 6 op. 82

Anastasiya Torap

Schumann. Sonata op. 11

Alessandro Artese

Beethoven. Sonata op. 10 n. 2
Chopin. Polonaise-Fantaisie op. 61
Rachmaninoff.  Étude-Tableau op. 33 n. 9

Greta Maria Lobefaro

Chopin. Sonata op. 58


Massarosa 2024 – semifinal round

13 June 2024, 17:53

14th Massarosa International Piano Competition
14 June 2024
semifinal round

The following candidates have been chosen by the jury,
and they will perform in the semifinal round as follows:

14 June starting 15:00
Toniolo Giulia
Torap Anastasiya
Ventura Nicolas
Artese Alessandro
Cori Beatrice
14 June starting 15:00
Gill Jaskeerat Singh
Howson Joe
Howson Joe
Maruyama Akihito
Lobefaro Greta Maria

Massarosa 2024 – Video streaming of the final

12 June 2024, 17:28

14°Concorso Pianistico Internationale Massarosa 
June 15 2024
Video Streaming

The finalists are:

Giulia Toniolo

Prokofiev. Sonata n. 6 op. 82

Anastasiya Torap

Schumann. Sonata op. 11

Alessandro Artese

Beethoven. Sonata op. 10 n. 2
Chopin. Polonaise-Fantaisie op. 61
Rachmaninoff.  Étude-Tableau op. 33 n. 9

Greta Maria Lobefaro

Chopin. Sonata op. 58


Order of execution of the first round

11 June 2024, 19:49

14th Massarosa International Piano Competition 

At the ballot the letter Q was  drawn.
The program  with the order of playing can be seen on this page
The competitors will meet for the registration at 8:30 AM on June 12 and at 9:00 AM they will start playing in this order:

12 June starting 9:00
Shen Zu-An
Shitaoka Momoko
Shmila Yuval
Su Yanchao
Tesoro Valerio
Toniolo Giulia
Torap Anastasiya
Ventura Nicolas
Wang Jie
Wu Angela Szu-Hsuan
12 June starting 15:00
Zhao Fangwei
Artese Alessandro
Axelsson Albin
Choi ChangHwan
Ciprietti Alessio
Cori Beatrice
13 June starting 9:00
Gill Jaskeerat Singh
Howson Joe
Kim Joonghyun
Kudaev Maxim
Li Xing
13 June starting 15:00
Maruyama Akihito
Michela Rocco
Moldoványi András
O’Hara Rachel
Lobefaro Greta Maria







Applications deadline extended to may 30, 2024

16 May 2024, 8:33


The deadline for applying to the 2024 Piano Competition has been extended to may 30.

Please note that due to a relocation of our servers during the day of May 17 the competition’s website may be unreachable for a few hours.

All application data will be preserved.

Presentation of Massarosa International Piano Competition 2024

16 April 2024, 21:15


The fourteenth edition of the Massarosa International Piano Competition was presented at Spazio Fazioli in Milan on 16 april 2024. In the video can be seen the introduction by Luca Fazioli, followed by the speeches of Simona Barsotti (mayor of Massarosa), the Competition’s president Antonella Moscardini, the artistic director Riccardo Risaliti and of the pianist and writer Luca Ciammarughi. At the end of the presentation the conductor and pianist Michele Gamba, who is member of this year’s jury, plays Puccini’s ‘Piccolo Valzer’ and Riccardo Risaliti plays Paul Wittgenstein’s left-hand only transcription of the “humming chorus” from “Madama Butterfly.”

The 2024 edition takes place in the centenary of Giacomo Puccini’s death

21 December 2023, 11:49

2024 is the centenary since Giacomo Puccini’s death,  and the Massarosa International Competition, which takes place on the shore of the lake where Villa Puccini is located, wants to pay him a tribute by asking the contestants to play one of the Maestro’s pieces. It will be possible to choose between “Piccolo Valzer“, “Scossa Elettrica” and an interesting transcription of Madama Butterfly’s “Coro a bocca chiusa” (humming chorus) for the left hand, composed by the austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein (dedicatee of Maurice Ravel’s “Concerto for the left hand”).
The competition will take place from June 12 to 15 in the Teatro Vittoria Manzoni (Massarosa).