Rules of the 2025 Massarosa International Piano Competition
Art. 1. The fourteenth Massarosa Piano Competition is open to young pianists of all nationalities born on or after May 30, 1995, and will be held from June 11th to June 14th, 2025.
Art.2. Applications must be completed, with all the details requested, on the form available at the site, and must be submitted not later than May 15, 2025. A non-refundable admission fee of €100.00 must be paid to “Associazione Musicale Massarosa” either
- by payPal or credit card, using the payment function the admission form, or
- via bank transfer to the following coordinates:
Bank Name: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Branch: 4590 – Massarosa Address: Via Giovanni XXIII, 2 55054 Massarosa (LU)) Swift code: PASCITMMMAO Account number: 14409 Account name:
Associazione Musicale Massarosa IBAN code: IT82Z0103070170000001440948
The following documents must be supplied with the application form:
- A legal document (in digital format) stating the applicant’s date of birth and nationality. Please upload a file in JPG, PNG or PDF format of no more than 2,5 MB.
- Copy of the receipt of payment of the entrance fee (in case the payment has not been made via payPal). Please up CTload a file in JPG, PNG or PDF format of no more than 2,5 MB.
- A complete programme of the music chosen to be performed. Modifications to the programme must be communicated and approved before 15 May 2025.
- A curriculum vitae (1000 characters maximum).
- A recent photograph of good resolution in portrait format. Please upload a file in JPG or PNG format of no more than 2,5 MB.
Candidates will not be admitted to the competition unless payment and all documents have been received.
Art. 3. Contestants admitted to the competition must abide by the competition rules. The Italian text of the rules is definitive. With his application the contestant consent, according to D.L. 30/06/2001 n.196, with the publication of his personal dates for promotional and artistic purposes.
Art. 4. If necessary, the competition board will limit the number of participants on the basis of the date of application. In this case, the entrance fee will be returned to those not allowed to participate.
Art.5. All competitors must present an identity document at 8:30 a.m. of June 11, 2025 at the secretariat at the Theatre Vittoria Manzoni, Piazza Pompeo Provenzali, Massarosa (Lucca). Latecomers will be excluded from the competition.
Art. 6. The playing order of competitors will be determined by ballot before the first stage. Competitors who are not ready to perform when called upon to do so may be disqualified.
Art. 7. All works performed must be played from memory. No works may be repeated during subsequent stages.
Art. 8. A member of the jury is not allowed to present candidates with whom he had a teaching relationship in the last two years.
All jury members will submit a statement regarding their relation to any of the competitors, before the beginning of the competition.
Art. 9. The jury consists of eminent musicians representing different countries. The decisions of the jury will be final and beyond appeal.
Art.10. The jury can interrupt a performance exceeding the maximum duration. Repeats may be included or omitted at the applicant’s discretion.
Art. 11. Admission from one stage to another is decided by simple majority vote. The admission to the final is voted by points. The number of competitors entering each stage will be decided by the jury.
Art. 12. All stages of the competition are open to the public.
Art. 13. Participants of the competition may not request in any way indemnity for their performances during the competition, or for radio or video broadcasts of the performances.
Art. 14. Travel and accommodation costs will be at the candidates’ own expense.
Art. 15. The competition organizers can accept no responsibility for accidents that candidates might suffer due to their participation in the competition.
The programme to be played in the whole of the rounds of the competition must include:
- at least one work composed in the 18th century (i.e. 1700),
- at least one work composed in the 19th century (i.e.1800),
- and at least one work composed in the 20th or 21st century (i.e. 1900 or 2000).
N.B. A piece is considered as belonging to a century looking at the date of composition of the piece.
First round
Compositions of contestant’s choice
(total duration approximately 15 minutes).
Compositions of contestant’s choice
(total duration approximately 35 minutes).
Compositions of contestant’s choice
(total duration 30 minutes).
1st Prize: Euro 5000,00
2nd Prize: Euro 2500,00
3rd Prize: Euro 1500,00
For the winners of the competiotion some concerts are being planned, among which
- Stagione Concertistica di Pieve a Elici (Associazione Musicale Lucchese)
- Capraia Music Festival
- Stagione concertistica FLAM Lucca
- Salone Maro Cristiani a Pisa
- Lyceum Club Internazionale di Firenze
- Musicavilladurio di Varallo Sesia
A CD will also be produced by Studio 2R.