Order of execution of the first round

11 June 2024, 19:49

14th Massarosa International Piano Competition 

At the ballot the letter Q was  drawn.
The program  with the order of playing can be seen on this page
The competitors will meet for the registration at 8:30 AM on June 12 and at 9:00 AM they will start playing in this order:

12 June starting 9:00
Shen Zu-An
Shitaoka Momoko
Shmila Yuval
Su Yanchao
Tesoro Valerio
Toniolo Giulia
Torap Anastasiya
Ventura Nicolas
Wang Jie
Wu Angela Szu-Hsuan
12 June starting 15:00
Zhao Fangwei
Artese Alessandro
Axelsson Albin
Choi ChangHwan
Ciprietti Alessio
Cori Beatrice
13 June starting 9:00
Gill Jaskeerat Singh
Howson Joe
Kim Joonghyun
Kudaev Maxim
Li Xing
13 June starting 15:00
Maruyama Akihito
Michela Rocco
Moldoványi András
O’Hara Rachel
Lobefaro Greta Maria